Hellraiser (1987)
Director: Clive Barker IMDB rating 6.70 / 10 Hellraiser - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: adaptation directed by original author, adulterous wife, affair, based on novel, blood, chain, cult favorite, demon, evil, eyes sewn shut, gore, hell, hook, house, independent film, occult, pinhead, portal to hell, reverse footage, sex, skin, splatterpunk, supernatural, unfaithfulness |
Taglines: Demon to some. Angel to others.He'll tear your soul apart.It will tear your soul apart.Satan's done waitin'.There are no limits.We have such sights to show you eHllraiserHlelraiserHellraiserHelrlaiserHellariserHellriaserHellrasierHellraiesrHellraisreHellraisreellraiserHllraiserHelraiserHelraiserHellaiserHellriserHellraserHellraierHellraisrHellraiseHHellraiserHeellraiserHelllraiserHelllraiserHellrraiserHellraaiserHellraiiserHellraisserHellraiseerHellraiserr Plot: Clive Barker's feature directing debut graphically depicts the tale of a man and wife who move into an old house and discover a hideous creature - the man's half-brother, who is also the woman's former lover - hiding upstairs. Having lost his earthly body to a trio of S&M demons, the Cenobites, he is brought back into existence by a drop of blood on the floor. He soon forces his former mistress to bring him his necessary human sacrifices to complete his body... but the Cenobites won't be happy about this. |
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