Gladiator (2000)
Director: Ridley Scott IMDB rating 8.10 / 10 Gladiator - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: 2nd century, afterlife, ancient rome, animal attack, antoninian era, archery, arena, arrest, battle, betrayal, blockbuster, blood splatter, bloody violence, botched execution, brother sister relationship, caesar, caravan, catapult, chariot, child murder, colosseum, corruption, crossbow, crotch grab, death during filming, decapitation, dismemberment, dog, dungeon, emperor, epic, escape, face slap, father son relationship, flaming arrow, flying debris, forest, freedom, gambling, general, germany, gladiator, gore, graphic violence, hanging, headless horseman, helmet, honor, hyperrealism, impalement, incestuous desire, jealousy, leadership, loss of father, loss of son, loss of wife, martial arts, murder, murder of family, mutilation, nephew, north africa, parade, patricide, person on fire, political, profanity, redemption, regicide, revenge, roman empire, senate, senator, severed hand, severed head, shot in the chest, shot in the leg, single mother, skip motion, slave, slavery, sliced in two, snake, spain, sport, stabbed in the arm, stabbed in the back, stabbed in the foot, stabbed in the leg, stabbed in the side, stabbed in the throat, stabbed to death, stabbing, strength, stylization, suffocation, sword, sword and sandal, sword fight, tiger, time lapse photography, title spoken by character, tragedy, tragic ending, tragic hero, vengeance, violence, war, wetting pants, widow |
Taglines: A general who became a slave. A slave who became a gladiator. A gladiator who defied an emperor.A Hero Will Rise.Summer 2000 A.D.The Gladiator Who Defied An EmpireWhat We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity. lGadiatorGaldiatorGldaiatorGlaidatorGladaitorGladitaorGladiaotrGladiatroGladiatroladiatorGadiatorGldiatorGlaiatorGladatorGladitorGladiaorGladiatrGladiatoGGladiatorGlladiatorGlaadiatorGladdiatorGladiiatorGladiaatorGladiattorGladiatoorGladiatorr Plot: In Gladiator, victorious general Maximus Decimus Meridias has been named keeper of Rome and its empire by dying emperor Marcus Aurelius, so that rule might pass from the Caesars back to the people and Senate. Marcus' neglected and power-hungry son, Commodus, has other ideas, however. Escaping an ordered execution, Maximus hurries back to his home in Spain, too late to save his wife and son from the same order. Taken into slavery and trained as a gladiator by Proximo, Maximus lives only that he might someday take his revenge and fulfill the dying wish of his emperor. The time soon comes when Proximo's troupe is called to Rome to participate in a marathon of gladiator games held at the behest of the new emperor, Commodus. Once in Rome, Maximus wastes no time in making his presence known, and is soon involved in a plot to overthrow the emperor with his former-love Lucilla, Commodus' sister, after whom he lusts, and also the widowed mother of Lucius, heir to the empire after his uncle, and democratic-minded senator, Gracchus. |
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