Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bugsy Malone (1976) -

Bugsy Malone (1976)

Bugsy Malone
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Family, Musical

Director: Alan Parker

IMDB rating 6.20 / 10

Bugsy Malone - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: 1930s, all child cast, audition, backstage, barbershop, bootlegging, boxing, boxing gym, car accident, car chase, child as adult, children, chinese laundry, crime boss, dance, dine and dash, driver, film making, flashback sequence, forest, gang warfare, gangster, great depression, hotel, ice cream parlor, jealousy, kids and family, mansion, mob hit, mob violence, moll, mugging, new york city, nightclub, piano, pie fight, pie in the face, plaster, police, priest, radio broadcasting, self referential, singer, soup kitchen, spoof, subtitles seen by character, telephone box, title spoken by character, tommy gun, trap, twist in the end, weapon

Taglines: Every year brings a great movie. Every decade a great movie musical!
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Plot: A gangster movie where all the gangsters are children. Instead of real bullets they use "splurge guns" that cover the victim in cream. The story tells of the rise of "Bugsy Malone" and the battle for power between "Fat Sam" and "Dandy Dan".

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