Monday, June 23, 2008

Straight Shooter (1999) -

Straight Shooter (1999)

Straight Shooter
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Director: Thomas Bohn

IMDB rating 5.50 / 10

Straight Shooter - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: american abroad, amuck, cancer, corrupt politician, dancing, elevator scene, exploding house, female district attorney, female politician, flashback sequence, french foreign legion, gas mask, hand grenade, helicopter, hospital, independent film, killer, loss of child, loss of wife, morgue, nightclub, nuclear power plant, profanity, revenge, shot in the forehead, silencer, slow motion scene, sniper, sunglasses, swat team

Taglines: Ein Mann wird zum St�rfall
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Plot: After his daughter died of cancer, former French foreign legionnaire "Straight Shooter" alias Volker Bretz threatens those who financed, built, favoured and now work the nuclear power plant Atar II to kill one of them each day until the plant is shut down. His former drill sergeant, Frank Hector, who now owns several night clubs and brothels, is the only one who might be able to stop the maniac killing specialist. Frank is flown in instantly, but soon has to find out that his former comrade's actions might be a result from an event long ago.

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