Thursday, May 8, 2008

Eraser (1996) -

Eraser (1996)

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller

Director: Chuck Russell

IMDB rating 5.80 / 10

Eraser - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: alligator, betrayal, blockbuster, body landing on car, broken leg, car hit by train, child, conspiracy, corruption, crocodile, defibrillation, desert eagle, double cross, drugged drink, eaten alive, exploding body, exploding car, exploding house, faked death, fall from height, father, fbi, garrote, gay bar, gun, helicopter, hidden camera, hostage, kidnapping, leaving home, loading dock, mafia, murder, neck break, neck breaking scene, new york, presumed dead, san francisco california, sawn off shotgun, severed arm, shot in the back, shot in the foot, shot through the mouth, shot to death, skydiving, son, stabbed in the hand, stabbing, surprise ending, train, unsubtitled foreign language, violence, washington d.c., weapon, witness protection, x rayed skeleton, yelling, zoo

Taglines: He will erase your past to protect your future.

Plot: John Kruger works for a branch of the Justice Department call Witness Security or Witsec, that's responsible for relocatibng and protecting witnesses. John's latest assignment is Lee Cullen, who works for a company that's a Defense Contractor, who is selling weapons to enemies of the U.S. When she agrees to get the evidence that the Feds need to take them down, she goes in and does it but was not told by the Feds that she was going to have a bullseye on her for the rest of her life. After refusing to be placed in Kruger's custody, some men attack her home but Kruger arrives just in time to save her and relocate. Later when several witnesses under Witsec are killed, Kruger accompanies another Witsec agent Deguerin to save a potential victim, when they get there, Deguerin shoots the killer but also kills the witness, and then plants a photo of Lee in the shooter's pocket. When Kruger sees the photo, Deguerin asks where she is, Kruger intially gives him a false location but while on the plane, Kruger sensing something's not right, calls her, which means that she is suppose to meet him somewhere. Kruger's drugged and when he awakens he discovers that Deguerin is not only working with the people who are trying to sell the weapons but has just framed him for killing another agent. Kruger escapes and gets to Lee in time but unfortunately, he is still a fugitive, so he must try and prove his innocence while trying to protect Lee.

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